About UTCache

What is UTCache?

When you connect to a server that uses files that you don't have (maps, mutators, ...), UT2003 downloads these files. But instead of installing them, UT2003 puts them in a temporary cache folder (usually ...\UT2003\Cache). And after a 30 days (you can change this in UTCache v1.6.2+), the files get deleted, meaning that if you want to play them again, you have to download them again! So UTCache allows you to permanently install these files :)


See the screenshots page for an idea of what UTCache looks like.

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To do list

In the next version of UTCache (soon, I'll probably release it in 1-2 days), the whole interface has changed and looks sooo much better! I'll add some screenshots in a few minutes...

Make a wish

You think UTCache is missing something that would make it even better? Just type it here and I'll try to add it in the next version!

View current wishes


To my beta tester : Nemion

To Foood (did I get the right number of Os?) for letting me use his icons. www.foood.net

To everyone of you that uses UTCache for your support!